Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011


Apakah spoof itu??

Spoof adalah salah satu genre dari teks bahasa Inggris. Hampir sama dengan narrative, namun bedanya di Spoof diselipkan komedi atau lelucon
Spoof terdiri dari 3 bagian yaitu:

  1. Orientation: berisi tentang awalan dari cerita tersebut
  2. Event: Event cerita bisa ada lebih dari 2, berisi tentang konflik
  3. Twist: disinilah cerita tersebut menyisipkan lelucon
Berikut ini adalah contoh Spoof :

Once, there are company of soldiers who was in the middle of war.

The Commander of the battlefield command the foot soldier to go forth, but he is unaware with the enemy's sniper, then he was shot in the shoulder. And the enemy's sniper got shot immediately.

After the enemy in that location is gone. "Private, call for medic!!!" shout the commander, then the private call the medic "We need medic NOW!!, ASAP!!", then the medic says " we can't go there that fast, just give the first aid while we come to the place", "Okay, tell me.., what I supposed to do??" said Private, then medic says "how severe is his condition??", " don't know but he's not moving from his first position, what should I do??" answer Private, "you don't know he's dead or not do you" said the medic, "yes, I don't know it" says the private. "Then you need to make sure if he's dead or not" says the medic

After the medic says like that, the phone become silent for a while, then "BANG!!" the sound of a gun, after it the private speak to the medic again " yes, he is dead, then what should I do now". The medic shocked   "What the....???"

                                                                                    dikutip dari buku bahasa inggris

paragraf pertama adalah orientation
paragraf kedua dan ketiga adalah event
paragraf keempat adalah twist

namun karena sense of humor berbeda-beda, mungkin anda merasa cerita ini tidak lucu.
semoga bermanfaat...

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1 komentar:

someone mengatakan...

bukan krn sense of humor yg berbeda... jd merasa cerita ini tidak lucu, tapi.. karena gak tau artinya hikzhikz... translate in bahasa dunkz....

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