Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Nature Worship

Throughout history of cultures, people have considered the concept of nature as a totality unknown. Only individual natural phenomena like stars, rain, and animals. They are comprehended as natural objects or forces that influence them and are thus in some way worthy of being respected or placated.
Nature worship includes :
  1. Animism is a philospical, religious or spiritual idea that souls or spirits exist not only in humans buat also in other animals, plants, rocks, natural phenomena such as thunder, geographic features such as mountains, or other entities of the natural environment.
  2. A sun god is a deity that represents the sun, usually by its perceived power and strength. The concept of the sun as traversing the sky in a boat is found in the myths of ancient Egypt, with Ra and Horus.
  3. Worship of fire is known from various religions. Fire has been an important part of human culture since the Lower Paleolithic Age.
  4. Sacred mountains are mountains sacred to certain religions. Almost all religions have some sacred mountains (like Mount Merapi in Javanese mythology)
  5. Holy well refers to any water source of limited size (i.e. not lake or river, but including pools and natural springs and seeps), which has some significance in the folklore of the area where it is located. It occurs in such a wide variety of cultures, religious environment, and historical periods that it is usually held that it is a universal human instinct to respect sources of pure, clean water.

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